

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound.  Hifu has become one of the most sought for natural skin lifting treatments for face and neck also has a great role in skin tightening and firming all over the body.  Hifu provides a great option for skin tightening instead of threads and face lifting surgeries with no invasions, no downtime, no side effects and no pain.

Non-invasive ultrasound energy generates low levels of heat in the targeted skin. The ultrasound energy develops thermal coagulation points on the targeted level. Thousands of such tiny micro-injury points are created at multiple depths stimulating a triple-layer benefit – the SMAS, sub-dermal and deep-dermal levels. This coagulation points promote cells for collagen production and tissue rejuvenation and tight skin tissues. With just one treatment, HIFU pushes mature skin to start working hard again. Smoother, firmer, and brighter skin in the months after treatment.

Your eyes will look more open, brows more lifted, fine lines softened, jawline contoured, and neck lifted. Because of the restored elasticity, your skin will feel softer and suppler too.

If you do not think you need surgery yet, HIFU may be the natural facelift or neck lift alternative for you. No cuts to the skin.

HIFU applied on:

(Face – cheeks – Brows and forehead – Chin- lower eyelid – Neck – abdomen – buttocks – arms – hips).


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Hollywood Services & Innovative Technology

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