Immediate long lasting rejuvenation and the way of celebrities to keep their skin vital and rejuvenated , no down time , no pain ,no side effects and most comfortable treatment ever with immediate and long lasting results
How does it work ?
Forma bipolar applicator allows a fractionated non invasive Radiofrequency current as deep as the sub-dermal layers of the skin.
- Resulting into a sub-dermal heating, fractional thermal contraction, and collagen remodeling.
- The RF current flows uniformly between the electrodes to provide a comfortable thermal experience.
- Built-in temperature controls allow for the attainment of clinically proven optimal temperatures, and the exclusive capacity for prolonged exposure at therapeutic temperatures
Suits all skin types
- Non-invasive procedure; provides lifting and firming without any evidence of having had surgery or any side effects.
- Long-lasting results.
- Almost painless, and no down time; feels like a warm and comfortable massage.
- Gives a natural looking improvements in
skin tone – texture irregularities – Leading to a – smoother and more defined skin – reduction in wrinkles.
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Hollywood Services & Innovative Technology
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